Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Celcom and Prada, the Perfect Match

LG Prada
This is as last minute as it gets. Here's my video entry for the "Celcom and Prada, The Perfect Match" contest by Nuffnang, the closing date for which is tomorrow (scratch that, 10 hours to go, to be precise). Disclaimer: I've never touched an LG phone in my life. I don't own any items from Prada either. But what the heck does all that matter- I managed to film my entry in time (with the help of my sister as photographer), and I want to win this contest (who joins just for fun, eh). In any case, I'm off to bed. The video's after the page break- watch and be awed while I snooze away.

p.s. It might be better if you watched it on youtube instead- I don't know why but my annotations have been squished.


  1. I watched it!! A PRADA phone sounds....expensive!!!
    Nice vid...like the Looney Tunes "Help" dubbed in !

    1. @Chris: It's as pricey as it sounds... probably around 500USD. Thanks, though I had no idea that sound was from Looney Tunes! Though come to think of it, it sounds like a certain little yellow bird...
